Marco Kleuters is our new managing directorNews

2024 - A year full of new opportunities!

With the start of the new year, we at Thomas Regout International eagerly look forward to an innovative 2024. We proudly announce that as of March 1, 2024, Marco Kleuters will assume the role of Managing Director. This marks a new phase of success and growth for Thomas Regout International: our focus for 2024 and beyond. In 2024, we will continue with our ambitious sustainability plans, further developing our Factory of the Future, and deepening our community through co-creating telescopic slides.

Our customer relationships are invaluable; together, we achieve more! Marco is the ideal leader to steer our organization, enabling us to serve our customers even better and more specifically. With his extensive experience and modern leadership style, he knows how to strike the perfect balance we seek at Thomas Regout International.

Are you excited and want to learn more? Follow our journey on LinkedIn or send us a message! Stay updated on our developments in 2024.

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Factory | Telescopic slides | Thomas Regout International B.V.